NITTON.19. diez y nueve 10&nio. 13/FEB.2oo7.
konstmuseumMEDrockn'roll.FOTO.MUSIK.TÅRTA.UNDERBARAHJÄRTAN&brabra helt himla BRA!
Postat av: Anonym
no, sorry, it wasn't from me. I wish! out of money on my phone! hope you had the greatest day ever and you, it's your last year as a teenager :O :) tell the other mates I said HI! thanks., you'll be hearing from me soon (: love YANGI
Postat av: Anonym
hahah har du gått o blivit en britt nu också?!! haha :D aaa ja ska häsla ti the other mates ;) Hoppas du har det heeelt himla galet kul YANG !! (: LOVe