
I could write you a song
about everything I dont want
you to forget
Icould write you a song
mostly about everything I dont want
to forget


beautifully imperfect realationship
beautifully imperfect boys
beautifully imperfect love
beautifully heartbroken
beautifully crying

under neon light,

I don't belong to anyone
you don't belong to me
I never find somone to but my arms around
I never find a place to put my lips
I've heard so many stories about kisses in dark dusty rooms
under neon light
It never happens to me
I'm tired of looking for you
won't you find me
I need you to night
I need someone to put my arms around
a place to put my lips
I let you
take my heart
teare it apart
do whatever you want

I know how it feels to be loved

i dont know how it feels to love.

ibland saknar jag dig så det gör ont

ibland saknar jag dig så det gör ont.
så jävla ont. så ont så det känns som om jag kommer spy.
jag vill att du håller om mig och säger allt kommer bli bra. sådant var du allra bäst på.

du går hand i hand med världens finaste pojke

du går hand i hand med världens finaste pojke?
det vet du kanske inte om.
att världens finaste pojke ringer dig varje kväll och säger god natt.

musiken är min hemliga älskare

I only feel alive
when tears fall from my eyes.

october love

it's october love my dear
we cant do anything about it
it's october love my dear
we can't control our feelings
you just need me
I just want you
won't you just kiss me
even if it's not right
and if anyone sees us
we say
It's just october love my dear
we can't do anything about it
it's as simple as if the leafs will fall from the trees
they change coulour in october and move from one to another tree.